Copyright Policy

Our artwork is copyrighted with the U.S. Copyright Office and these files may not be shared or redistributed to any person other than the original buyer.

Sharing our digital files with anyone is strictly prohibited. Doing so is an illegal offense.

© 2024 BibleSketches LLC

This means:

  • You cannot send the files to anyone.
  • You cannot redistribute the files online in any way, or on any website.
  • You cannot print multiple copies to ‘gift’ to other people.
  • You cannot print for a large group or Bible Study. However, you can contact us about discounted rates (digital prints only) for church groups—such as printing on a flier.
  • Some print shops, though rare, will require a copyright release form so that they can make one print of the file on your behalf. If so, simply contact us and we will happily provide one.
  • Our poster prints cannot be scanned, made into a digital file, and redistributed.
  • If you have further questions about our copyright, please contact us.

Thank you for understanding how much we value our copyrights.